3 - 5 Years

3 - 5 Years

We have designed the Cubs program for your very young children to have a first step to the beautiful game and to have lots of fun. As you may know this age (3/4/5) has no real concept of team. That is why ALL the drill/ soccer exercises will be with their ball. Lots of running, dribbling, and smiling! The program is running a silly dad, to keep the fun going, and help by the parents.

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K - 4th Grade

K - 4th Grade

In-Town Youth Soccer League is a coed program of K to 4th grade.  This is a fun 10 weeks soccer program for elementary school children in Nashville. To qualify for this program your child must be between 5 and 10 years old. There will be one practice per week, right after school, and one game on Saturday afternoons at the Glendale Elementary School field.

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7 Years +

7 Years +

Rec is our advance program with 2 practices per week and game on Saturday morning in the YMCA league. Your child will play with his/her own age group and gender. It is still a fun 13 weeks program although it is more demanding than the In-Town program.

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8 Years +

8 Years +

Travel "light" program is for the cream of the cream. We practice twice per week and play 16/18 games per season including 2 tournaments. It is fun and very demanding for your child and your family. The players will compete in the middle Tennessee league.

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